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Digital textuality and cyber literature: how the Internet changes everything for fiction
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Digital textuality and cyber literature: how the Internet changes everything for fiction

“Will the ease of publication make literature more popular than ever, more read and more written? Will interactivity break down the lines between author and reader, making literature more democratic? Will multimedia forms like video games absorb literature, effectively killing it off? Will all these new types of Internet fiction make us nostalgic for more traditional literature, and drive us back to realist fiction and print books?” Continue reading

Miscommunication: have errors in language become the norm?
Features / New and Hot

Miscommunication: have errors in language become the norm?

You may have noticed it: a missing comma on the back of a cereal box, or misplaced apostrophe on some store signage or an article headline. In more severe cases, perhaps a misspelt or misused word published by a relatively credible source for all of society to see and perpetuate as the proper form. Was it merely overlooked, or did some terribly misguided individual produce this mistake under the impression that it is correct? Even worse, was it multiple individuals? Does the adult population have a lower literacy competence than you once assumed? Continue reading

Faster than a speeding bullet!!! The rise of the comic and graphic novel

Faster than a speeding bullet!!! The rise of the comic and graphic novel

Ka-pow! The popularity of graphic novels and comics books are rising faster then a speeding bullet. No longer available solely through speciality comic book shops, these works are available in mainstream bookstores, public libraries, as eBooks, and are even becoming course material in the classroom. Graphic novels are undergoing a legitimization of literary merit. Continue reading